2019 Farmland Forum

The 2019 Farmland Forum explored the theme “A Natural Systems Approach to Farmland Protection.” The Forum looked at different approaches to protecting farmland in broader landscapes, including the waterways, woodlots, hedgerows, and fields that make up farm systems.

The day started off with our first keynote, Larry Hulle from New York, who talked about the Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC)’s work to protect water quality and farm economic viability. WAC has many projects, including helping farmers adopt best management practices, permanently protect their farmland, and remain economically viable.

Our panel and plenary speakers focused on policy, planning, and programming examples in Ontario.

The day concluded with our second keynote presentation from Diana Wahlstrom about Strathcona County, Alberta’s, award winning Agriculture Master Plan. She walked us through the Plan’s purpose, development, and where they are in implementing the strategies.

Thank you to our 2019 Farmland Forum Supporters