2013 Farmland Forum

How closely tied are a thriving farm economy, land stewardship and rural resilience?

How closely tied are a thriving farm economy, land stewardship and rural resilience?

The Ontario Farmland Trust partnered with the University of Guelph’s School of Environmental Design & Rural Development to deliver the 2013 Farmland Forum. The event brought together 120 farmers, municipal elected officials, planners, provincial policy-makers and land conservation advocates from across Ontario to discuss and share different responses to the uncertainty posed by climate change and future energy prices.

The conversation was two-fold, with the morning focused on impacts of climate change and energy security on the farm economy, and the afternoon focused on planning for resiliency from a broader rural community perspective. Examples of practical, on-farm innovations were profiled, as well as community-led initiatives that are inspiring leadership and engagement in planning a sustainable future for rural Ontario.

The forum dialogue indicates that we are taking concerns about climate change and energy, and creating new opportunities to pursue innovation, develop partnerships, bring community members together, and plan for the sustainability of our rural areas.

Protection and stewardship of farmland, water resources and ecosystems was identified as an important part of building community resilience, as was support for local food and farm businesses. It is clear vibrant local farm economy contributes much to rural Ontario.

Let’s continue to plan for a sustainable future for Ontario farmers and rural communities. Don’t know where to start? Take a look at the new Guide for Rural Climate Change Resiliency from the University of Guelph.

2013 forum presented in partnership with

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