Morrison Farm




Simcoe County


Murray & Jo-Anne Morrison

The Morrison Farm is the 13th farm protected by OFT with a farmland easement agreement. It is located near the City of Collingwood, a rapidly expanding municipality where urban sprawl is threatening the significant agricultural and ecological features of the region. This threat is why Murray and Jo-Anne Morrison partnered with OFT to register an easement on the property.

Our family has a farming history and we wished to preserve this legacy as well as prevent our farm from being used for urban development. An agricultural easement afforded us this opportunity.

Murray and Jo-Anne Morrison, Easement Donors

The land has been farmed by the family for 32 years, and produces a variety of crops including corn, soybeans, wheat, pumpkins, squash, and gourds. The 173-acre farm also includes important ecological features such as forests, wetlands, hedgerows, and a portion of the Pretty River. These areas are home to a variety of species at risk such as the Eastern wood-pewee and butternut tree.