The Copeland Farm is located just outside of Guelph, in Wellington County, and is the Ontario Farmland Trust’s third easement in the County. The protection of this farm helps to build a cluster of preserved properties, providing permanent protection of prime agricultural land and natural areas from urban development of nearby towns and cities.
This is a unique property with both prime agricultural land and a rich riparian environment along the Speed River. We feel strongly that both should be preserved and not lost to non-farming uses.
Dave and Cindy Copeland, Easement Donors
This 72-acre farm includes prime agricultural soils, grasslands, a section of the Speed River, associated wetlands, and a large forested area. The easement donors have completed many restoration and improvement projects on the property, including a meadow conversion and working with the Grand River Conservation Authority to improve and protect the river and wetland habitats. This property is a haven for many wildlife species, including at-risk species like the little brown bat, barn swallow, and snapping turtle.