Welcome to our News page! Browse updates on OFT’s latest and upcoming events, milestones, and significant achievements, along with responses to changing provincial policy that directly affects farmland protection and preservation, and other educational content relating to Ontario’s farmland, farmers, and agri-food industry.
Wrapping up another year at the Ontario Farmland Trust
Continue reading: Wrapping up another year at the Ontario Farmland Trust -
OFT advocates for reinstatement of DRAP easements, recommends becoming easement holder
Continue reading: OFT advocates for reinstatement of DRAP easements, recommends becoming easement holder -
Spotlight: Ontario Farmland Trust’s mission is to protect and preserve our precious farmland
Continue reading: Spotlight: Ontario Farmland Trust’s mission is to protect and preserve our precious farmland -
Celebrating Another Milestone in the Fight Against Urban Sprawl
Continue reading: Celebrating Another Milestone in the Fight Against Urban Sprawl -
Leave the Leaves!
Continue reading: Leave the Leaves! -
Winter Webinars: Register Today!
Continue reading: Winter Webinars: Register Today! -
Ontario Agriculture Week
Continue reading: Ontario Agriculture Week -
A Major Victory in Farmland Protection!
Continue reading: A Major Victory in Farmland Protection!
Aggregates AGM Agricultural System Agriculture Announcement Another Farm Protected Award Bazett-Jones Farm Board Members Brechin Brae Farm Bruce County Climate Change DRAP Easement Easement Celebration Ecology Election Event Farmland Forum Farmland Loss Farmland Protection Farrow Family Farms Fundraising Greater Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt Habitat Hazell Farm Hiring Hudson Farms Invasive Species Land Use Planning Local Food Morrison Farm Organic Matter Outreach Personal Stories Personal Story Policy Prince Edward County Recap Simcoe County Site Visits Soil Special Day Species at Risk Staff Succession Planning Tiny Township – Site 41 Update Urban Sprawl Volunteer Webinar Wellington County Wildlife Workshop