US Taxpayer Donations

US taxpayers can support our work with a gift that is tax deductible in the US!

Are you a US taxpayer? Thanks to a partnership with American Friends of Canadian Conservation (AFCC), you can help us protect farmland forever by making a tax-deductible contribution of cash or securities. Support our work in one of the following ways:

  • Donate to the Ontario Farmland Trust online at AFCC’s secure site using your credit card or PayPal. You can make a one-time contribution, or arrange for your donation to recur at any interval convenient for you.
  • Donate stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to AFCC to avoid US capital gains taxes while receiving a tax deduction for the current value of your securities. Contact AFCC staff at 250-688-1508 in Canada, or 360-515-7171 in the US, or [email protected] for instructions.
  • Mail a cheque (in US funds) to: American Friends of Canadian Conservation, 336 36th Street #717, Bellingham, WA 98225

Make sure to print, fill out, sign and send the completed Grant Recommendation Form with your cheque to request that AFCC uses your donation to make a grant to the Ontario Farmland Trust. The language in the recommendation is necessary for your gift to be tax deductible in the US.

You can also conserve your Canadian property through a gift that is tax deductible in the US.

American Friends of Canadian Conservation (AFCC) was created to remove the tax and legal barriers that prevented US taxpayers from permanently protecting their Canadian natural lands. Gifts of land and conservation easements (aka covenants, servitudes) to AFCC are charitable donations in the US and effectively not subject to Canadian capital gains. Learn about the bi-national tax incentives by downloading Save Some Green: a handbook for US taxpayers from AFCC’s website.

OFT would partner with AFCC to complete your conservation gift and would be the local land steward.

Contact OFT to discuss your property and conservation interests, or AFCC’s cross-border conservation experts at 250-688-1508 in Canada, or 360-515-7171 in the US, or [email protected] for information about tax benefits and the procedures for making a land or easement gift.