Farmland Policy

Land use planning policies in Ontario protect a great deal of farmland. The reality, however, is that we continue to lose 319 acres of farmland every day in Ontario, and we’re losing our best, most productive agricultural soils the fastest. In fact, between 1976 and 2021 Ontario lost over 20% of its farmland. This loss is unsustainable, and we need to promote improved policy to make agriculture and farmland protection a top priority across the province.

OFT works with the Province and key partners to encourage greater protection for agriculture and farmland through planning and policy development. We make regular submissions to the Province during policy reviews, and participate in public dialogue and debate surrounding issues of farmland loss that are of provincial significance.

Click on the dates below to review our policy submissions regarding the Greenbelt Plan, Permitted Uses, Agricultural Systems Mapping, Federal Pickering Airport Lands, Rouge National Urban Park, and others.

This site is continually updated with new submissions, as they are completed. For more information, please contact us.



Bill 185 and proposed Provincial Planning Statement (PPS), 2024: OFT’s Policy Recommendations

  • ERO #019-7735 – New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants

OFT advocates for reinstatement of Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve (DRAP) easements, recommends becoming easement holder.

OFT submitted comments to the Environmental Registry of Ontario, citing our concerns over the effects that Bill 97 will have on farmland.

The Ontario Farmland Trust wrote to Premier Doug Ford about the future of Ontario’s agri-food system. Martin Straathof, OFT Executive Director, cited concerns over the effects that the current rate of farmland loss will have for future generations of farmers and non-farmers alike. OFT offered expertise in the area of agriculture and farmland conservation, and is seeking to engage in collaborative solutions to the issues we are facing today in Ontario.

The Ontario Farmland Trust is calling for the federal government to take action to protect the farmland contained within the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve (DRAP). The DRAP lands were previously protected within the Greenbelt Plan, however recent changes to the boundaries of the Greenbelt jeopardize their future. Development on the DRAP lands would negatively impact Ontario’s agricultural sector, the public, and might affect the viability of Rouge National Urban Park.


The Ontario Farmland Trust is calling for an independent appraisal be conducted to determine the value of the public interest within the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. This comes in response to Bill 39, the Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022, which proposes to repeal of the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act.

This submission provides comments on the proposed integration of A Place to Grow and the Provincial Policy Statement, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT does not support this proposed integration, noting that municipalities in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) face unique challenges, and that as such the GGH should continue to receive additional policy direction from A Place to Grow.

This submission provides comments on the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT does not support the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt that result in land being removed from the protected area, and that the proposed changes disproportionately affect farmland.

This submission provides comments on the proposed revocation of the Central Pickering Development Plan, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT recommended against the revocation of this plan, as the Plan has been successful in protecting both agricultural land and natural areas in the Pickering region. OFT also recommended that the Province take this opportunity to strengthen and reinforce the local agricultural system in the region covered by the Plan.

This submission provides comments on the proposed changes to the Ontario Land Tribunal, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT does not support the proposed changes that will affect the ability of third party appeals for planning issues. OFT believes that it is important that the agricultural community still have third-party appeal mechanisms available to them in order to correct planning issues.

This submission provides comments on the proposed updates to the Conservation Authorities Act, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT notes that natural lands and farmlands work in tandem to serve the people of Ontario, and that Conservation Authorities play a strong role in this.

This submission provides comments on the proposed wetland offsetting policies, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT does not support the proposed policy, as offsetting has been shown to be ineffective. OFT is also concerned that wetland offsetting will disproportionately affect farmland.

This submission provides comments on the proposed update to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT is concerned that the proposed changes allowing for wetlands within a complex to be re-evaluated individually will put farmland at greater risk of erosion and will negatively impact farmers. OFT recommends that the proposed changes allowing for wetlands within a complex to be re-evaluated individually are removed, and that the term wetland complex is reinstated in the evaluation documents.

This submission provides comments on the proposed updates to the Conservation Authorities Act, as outlined in Bill 23. OFT notes that natural lands and farmlands work in tandem to serve the people of Ontario, and that Conservation Authorities play a strong role in this.

This submission provides comments on the recent changes to the Planning Act regarding Schedule 5 of Bill 109, The More Homes for Everyone Act and the Proposed Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator Tool Guideline. OFT recommends that the new guidelines prioritize protections for farmland and associated ecological areas.


This submission addresses the proposed Bradford Bypass Project, its exemption from Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act and how this negatively impacts farmland in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.

This letter includes recommendations for the current review of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan. The primary recommendations are to strengthen protections for farmland in the Lake Simcoe watershed, as this will help safeguard the health of Lake Simcoe in the long-term.

This submission provides comments on the proposed changes to the Planning Act regarding Minister’s Zoning Orders that are contained in Schedule 3 of Bill 257 Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act. OFT recommends that Schedule 3 is removed in its entirety, as it will jeopardize farmland and does not serve to advance important rural broadband services.

This submission includes recommendations from OFT on how to grow the size of the Greenbelt to protect more of Ontario’s farmland and preserve the provincial agricultural system. The primary recommendations are to include the entirety of the mapped Agricultural System in the Greater Golden Horseshoe within the expansion and to consult with farmers and farmland owners during the expansion process.

This submission provides comments on the Proposed implementation of provisions in the Planning Act that provide the Minister enhanced authority to address certain matters as part of a zoning order. The primary recommendations are to repeal the enhanced powers provided in Bill 197, and to provide measurable standards regarding the provincial significance of a project being considered for an MZO.


 This letter voices support for the Greenbelt and the protections it provides for farmland in the GGH.

This letter addresses the proposed Highway 413 project, and outlines the immense impact it will have on farmland in the Greater Golden Horseshoe if it is built.

This letter addresses Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs) and their use within Ontario, and addresses the impacts that MZOs may have on farmland in Ontario.

This submission provides comments on the proposed Amendment 1 to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The primary recommendations are to: prioritize density targets over population forecasts when planning in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH), limit municipal abilities to plan for populations that exceed those predicted within the growth forecasts in the Growth Plan, and to reinstate protections for the habitat of species at risk against aggregate extraction.

This letter is a joint initiative from 112 organizations, including OFT, that voices support for Ontario’s Conservation Authorities and stresses the importance of their conservation efforts.


This submission provides comments on the proposed amendments to the Aggregate Resources Act. The primary recommendations are to prohibit aggregate extraction on prime agricultural land, require Agricultural Impact Assessments for new aggregate operations and the expansion of existing aggregate operations, plan haulage routes so that they do not adversely affect agricultural operations, and that farmland be rehabilitated back to an agricultural condition if extraction is to occur.

This submission provides comments on the proposed amendments to the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014. The primary recommendations are to: prohibit settlement boundary expansions outside of a Municipal Comprehensive Review, reinstate references to the minimum distance separation formulae, exclude ground-mounted solar facilities from being permitted in prime agricultural and specialty crop areas, and to establish a province-wide agricultural mapping system.

This submission states some of OFT’s concerns regarding the proposed amendments to the Planning Act. These concerns include: shortened time frames for municipal decision making and development approvals, limitations on third party appeals, and broadened grounds for appeals. OFT states that prudent, forward-looking municipal planning is necessary to protect Ontario’s farmland.

This submission provides comments on the proposed amendments to the Development Charges Act, 1997 and notes OFT’s concern regarding reduced development charges and payment deferrals, which may result in more sprawl and farmland loss. OFT provides three recommendations on how the Act can help to protect agricultural land and suggests that the costs of building in greenfield (and agricultural) areas be fully accounted for.

This letter addresses the proposed Toronto East Aerotropolis and the numerous reasons why OFT believes this land should instead be permanently committed to agriculture.

This submission provides commentary regarding the proposed amendments to the Growth Plan. The primary recommendations are to: maintain existing intensification and density targets, prohibit settlement area boundary expansions outside of a Municipal Comprehensive Review, and continue applying the provincially issued agricultural land base mapping until municipalities are able to refine based on local ground truthing.

This submission provides input about the proposed framework for Provincially Significant Employment Zones as well as the boundaries for currently proposed zones. OFT recommends that all boundaries for current and future Employment Zones avoid overlap with prime agricultural areas and that sufficient setbacks be required at the interface of agricultural and non-agricultural uses.

This submission supports the proposed modifications, which would allow municipalities to implement the agricultural land base mapping in advance of their Municipal Comprehensive Review, and restates Agricultural System commentary from the 013-4504 submission.

This submission provides input on the proposed Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018 with a specific look at Schedule 10. OFT recommends removing Schedule 10 from the proposed Bill 66 due to concerns around its threats to the farm sector, which are then explained. OFT provides some alternative actions to improve Ontario’s business environment, with a focus on growing the agri-food sector.

This submission provides input on the proposed Open-for-Business Planning Tool contained within Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018. OFT recommends the proposed changes to the Planning Act to introduce the Open-for-Business Zoning By-law are revoked due to concerns around its threats to the farm sector, which are then explained. OFT provides some alternative actions to improve Ontario’s business environment, with a focus on growing the agri-food sector.

This submission provides input on the proposed New Regulation for the Open-for-Business Planning Tool contained within Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018. OFT recommends that the Open-for-Business Planning Tool and related New Regulation be rejected due to concerns around its threats to the farm sector, which are then explained. OFT provides some alternative actions to improve Ontario’s business environment, with a focus on growing the agri-food sector.


Brief commentary provided during the consultation period for a made-in-Ontario Climate Change plan. OFT listed and described seven actions on climate change recommended for Ontario

This submission provides feedback on the draft guidance document for the implementation and use of the Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) as per the Growth Plan for the GGH. OFT provided insights on how to improve the impact of the document, work towards a meaningful and transparent process that is consistently applied, and protect farmland and the agri-food sector.

This submission provides commentary on two draft guidance documents for the Municipal Comprehensive Review and achieving density and intensification targets as per the Growth Plan for the GGH. OFT calls for firm municipal boundaries and the mandatory compliance to Growth Plan targets for all municipalities.

This policy looks at the potential expansion of the Greenbelt. OFT wishes for the continuation of agriculture and water as priorities in the plan, as well as the use of the systems approach.

  • OFT – EBR 013-0968 Draft Agricultural System Mapping and Implementation Procedures

This submission looks at the Agricultural System Mapping for Ontario. OFT describes the need for firm agricultural system boundaries and the use of LEAR methodology.

The following is a proposed amendment to the greenbelt’s area boundary regulation. OFT recommends the increase in transparency by providing further justification of land removals in the protected countryside and not to reduce the total area of agriculture within the greenbelt’s protected countryside. OFT supports the rejection of amendments in specialty crop lands and the rejection of most amendments to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan.


The following is feedback on the proposed changes to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan as part of the Co-ordinated Land Use Planning Review process. OFT provides policy recommendations such as freezing settlement area expansion & establishing firm urban boundaries, as well as prohibiting aggregate extraction in prime agricultural areas. This document also provides recommendations for maintaining improvements such as adopting the ‘agricultural system’ and ‘agricultural support network’.


The following is comments on the draft Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario’s Prime Agricultural Areas. OFT provided comments such as further guidance on identification of prime agricultural areas, directing on-farm development to lower capability lands, and limiting on-farm diversified uses.

OFT observations, insights and recommendations on the review and refinement of the GGH Growth Plan, Greenbelt, ORMCP and NEP. This submission covers the issue of ongoing loss of Ontario farmland being a fundamental & growing concern, the need for more leadership and action is needed to protect Ontario’s farmland resources, and the key themes of the Ontario Farmland Trust’s recommendations.


The following is a submission from OFT about their concerns and recommendations related to the land use planning and appeals system. The submission looks at municipal planning conformity with provincial land use policy, transparency and accountability in planning and appeal processes, and public engagement in planning processes.

The following is recommendations related to the use of development charges throughout the province. The submission includes seven recommendations such as requiring municipalities to differentiate between development on greenfields and development in urbanized areas, and provide incentives for the types of development that make more efficient use of land.


The following is comments on the new plan for the Pickering Lands and provides input on the future uses and management of these lands. The submission includes comments on the future use of lands surplus to airport purposes and harmonization with provincial interests, forming a stakeholder advisory group and formalizing a commitment to public engagement, effective management of Pickering Lands & involvement of land trusts and the importance of agriculture and farmland preservation in the region.

The following is comments on the Terms of Reference for Southwestern Landfill Proposal. The submission includes concerns over the proposal, and a request for a full agricultural impact study.


The following is comments on the Terms of Reference for Southwestern Landfill Proposal. The submission includes concerns over the proposal, and a request for a full agricultural impact study.

The following is comments on the consideration for development of the Rouge National Urban Park. The submission includes the importance of farmers as key stakeholders, building synergy between conservation of farmland and preservation of natural heritage and many other points.

The following is comments on the consideration for development of the Rouge National Urban Park. The submission includes the importance of farmers as key stakeholders, building synergy between conservation of farmland and preservation of natural heritage and many other points.

The following is comments on the Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review: Draft Policies and the Review Cycle. The submission includes suggestions of strengthening the PPS language, improving provincial support mechanisms for the protection of prime farmland and prime agricultural areas.

  • OFT – EBR 011-2864 Melancthon Quarry and Aggregate Removal

The following is comments on the Nova Scotia Company’s application for a Class ‘A’ license to develop a new aggregate quarry within the Township of Melancthon. The submission covers concerns over the protection of farmland, incomplete agricultural impact assessments, and the uniqueness of agriculture in the area due to a micro-climate.


The following are comments on the review of the Provincial Policy Statement in 2005. The submission includes sections on managing and directing land use to achieve efficient development and land use patterns, infrastructure and public service facilities, energy and air quality, and wise use and management of resources.