Big things are hatching at the Ontario Farmland Trust

Our mission is all about protecting the very foundation that produces a wide variety of foods that are grown locally in our province: Ontario’s farmland.

If you aren’t familiar with the challenges Ontario’s farmland is facing today, here are a few key points:

  • According to the 2021 Agricultural Census, farmland in Ontario is being lost at a rate of 319 acres per day
  • Recently proposed provincial policy changes will reduce the strength of policies protecting farmland, which will increase the rate of farmland loss, permit further farmland fragmentation, and lead to an increase in the per acre price of farmland
  • Rising farmland costs make it increasingly difficult for young farmers to purchase land and make a living from producing food
  • 40% of Canadian farmers are set to retire in the next 10 years, and only 1 out of every 3 producers have a succession plan

To help mitigate these challenges, OFT has been focused on solution-oriented activities. Some of these efforts are:

  1. We are set up to receive our first ever donation of farmland! This 45-acre property of prime agricultural land has the potential to support young farmers and the farming community. It will also demonstrate OFT’s leadership, innovation in partnerships, and the creative use of land securement tools.
  2. We are well on our way to securing our 23rd easement! This approximately 100 acre property consists of hay fields and pastures for alpaca, interspersed with woodlots, wetlands, shorelines, and other significant ecological features. It also has a swamp, a bog and a creek. You may remember us sharing details about this property with you back in November of 2022.
  3. We also have another three property easements totaling 350+ acres on our roster, which we hope to finalize in the near future.
  4. Last but not least, we are looking to grow our capacity to meet the increasing demand of our education and community engagement initiatives. We believe that the population of Ontario needs to know what is happening to agricultural lands in this province, and how it will impact our access to healthy food.

We have two asks of you at this time:

  1. Will you help to protect Ontario’s farmland and food systems by donating today, before it flies the coop? A donation today to OFT means we are stronger to support our province’s agri-food system.
  2. Will you help us expand our reach? A simple “share” can amplify our impact. Take 5 minutes to share this blog with friends, family, and others in your network. Showcase our drive towards making a significant difference in protecting Ontario’s valuable farmland.
